This course is being run in partnership with Fahan Presbyterian Church. It will take place over 4 sessions.


Dates : October
Friday 4th (8-10pm)
Saturday 5th (10am-3:30pm)
Friday 18th (8-10pm)
Saturday 19th (10am-3:30pm)
Cost: £30/€30 suggested donation

Location: Fahan Presbyterian Church
Tievebane, Burnfoot,
Co. Donegal, Ireland


About the course

This is a practical course on how God leads us in this ministry.  It runs over two weekends in October 2019. Registration from 7.30pm on Friday 4th.  Tea/ Coffee will be available 30 minutes before each session.  On Saturday a lunch will be provided, please let us know of any special dietary requirements.

Each session includes teaching and workshop sessions.  It is open to all who wish to learn more of this ministry and have the approval of their leadership.


To book tickets online and for more information, please follow the link below. If you are unable to register and pay for the course online, you can download a registration form and follow the instructions to register by post. Many thanks!